Monday, September 29, 2008

Media Audiences

One of the most recently prominent news stories is the upcoming vote congress must make to rescue the nation’s economy. While many different media outlets have been reporting and providing the public with the latest information, I focused one the coverage on the newspaper and the Internet.

The first time I noticed this story was in the San Jose Mercury News. The story was placed above the fold in a yellow box with the headline “Bailout Near?” It was a small yellow box that only had room for a paragraph the rest of the story was continued on page 3a. I thought that it would be a large article but to my surprise most of the page was covered in advertisements. However, it did have a supporting article entitled “Could taxpayers make a profit in bailout?” With in this article there were three main sources of information House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Senetor Judd Gregg. While this story is important to everyone across the nation it did not seem to get much attention within the newspaper. It was not a big story and it really had nothing that would grab your attention.

The Internet seemed to have a much better coverage of the vote. Once I logged onto yahoo it was the first thing I saw. There was picture in the middle of the page with $700 billion printed in a large font. As you clicked on the link it led you to a large story that was packed with sources. These sources included those mentioned on the newspaper and many more. And in many cases this information is the most current because it can easily be updated as new events occur. For this reason internet seems like the best way to get your media coverage, as long as you are looking at accurate sources.

word count:309

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