Monday, September 29, 2008

Media Audiences

One of the most recently prominent news stories is the upcoming vote congress must make to rescue the nation’s economy. While many different media outlets have been reporting and providing the public with the latest information, I focused one the coverage on the newspaper and the Internet.

The first time I noticed this story was in the San Jose Mercury News. The story was placed above the fold in a yellow box with the headline “Bailout Near?” It was a small yellow box that only had room for a paragraph the rest of the story was continued on page 3a. I thought that it would be a large article but to my surprise most of the page was covered in advertisements. However, it did have a supporting article entitled “Could taxpayers make a profit in bailout?” With in this article there were three main sources of information House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Senetor Judd Gregg. While this story is important to everyone across the nation it did not seem to get much attention within the newspaper. It was not a big story and it really had nothing that would grab your attention.

The Internet seemed to have a much better coverage of the vote. Once I logged onto yahoo it was the first thing I saw. There was picture in the middle of the page with $700 billion printed in a large font. As you clicked on the link it led you to a large story that was packed with sources. These sources included those mentioned on the newspaper and many more. And in many cases this information is the most current because it can easily be updated as new events occur. For this reason internet seems like the best way to get your media coverage, as long as you are looking at accurate sources.

word count:309

Sunday, September 28, 2008

word of the week #4


Source: San Jose Mercury News

How it was used: Some of the provisions would be retroactive, the officials said.

Definition: noun  1. a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso. 2. the providing or supplying of something, esp. of food or other necessities. 3. arrangement or preparation beforehand, as for the doing of something, the meeting of needs, the supplying of means, etc. 4. something provided; a measure or other means for meeting a need. 5. a supply or stock of something providing
Your Sentence: He read the provisions before the document was approved.

Monday, September 22, 2008

word of the week #3

Source: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
How it was used: " But there was such accumulated bitterness and contempt in the young man's heart, that, in spite of all the fastidiousness of youth, he minded his rags least of all in the street."
Definition: noun, the trait of being meticulous about matters of taste or style.
Your sentence:She expressed extreme fastidiousness at the store.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Telling Detail Assignment

Sitting precariously over the edge of the rusty brown and cloudy gray cliff, I can feel the grains of sand beneath my ice cold hands. I sit there with my eyes closed and I think of nothing. I am at peace. I can only think of the misty breeze, as it touches my lips and the taste of the salty air. I open my eyes to see the bleeding horizon, where the day's hot sun is cooled by the deep blue sea. A perfect ringlet of my banana curls is blown across my face, but I do not move it, instead I welcome the relief it provides me from the blinding sun.
The silence I have drowned myself is in is broken as the loud thud of the ocean waves crashes onto the run down wall of rocks; simultaneously, it rescues me from the sea of thoughts that pollutes my mind everyday. The waves sprinkle my toes just before disappearing into the dangerous beauty of the ocean and I am reminded of the hours that have passed. I close my eyes for one last time and breathe in the unfaltering healing power of the ocean with one deep breath. Just as another wave leaves, so do I, and just like the waves I will return.

word count: 215

Monday, September 15, 2008

Word of the Week #2


source: Van Prooyen Greenfield LLP listing for internship

How it was used: We also counsel corporations and individuals in crisis management and litigation communications.

Definition: noun
     1. the act or process of litigating
     2. a lawsuit

Sentence: The attorney had to go through litigation.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Favorite Writing

"Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy
Songwriters: Sudol, Alison Loren

Your fingertips across my skin 
The palm trees swaying in the wind, images
You sang me spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes, clever trick

Well I'd never want to see you unhappy
i thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you 
Can't you just let me be?
So long my luckless romance 
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache 
Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me
And when you left you kissed my lips 
You told me you would never let me forget these images
Well I'd never want to see you unhappy 
I'd thought you'd want the same for me


I cannot go to the ocean 
I cannot try the streets at night 
I cannot wake up in the morning without you on my mind

So you're gone and I'm haunted 
And I bet you are just fine
Did I make it that easy to walk 
Right in and out of my life


Songwriting is my favorite form of writing. Not only does it require a poetic skill, it requires for the writer to consider the music and how they will blend. The words and music exist harmoniously to create a feeling that can make someone cry or make them smile remembering a memory of their own. That is what the best writing does; it touches people in many different ways. Musicians are many times overlooked in a literary aspect, but may times they are some of the best writers. Many people thing that because you don't like a style of music that that person isn't a skilled artist. However, for many artists if you remove the music and just listen to the words being spoken or simply read those words you will learn that those words have passion behind them. This is the case for this song I have chosen, "Almost Lover". A Fine Frenzy expresses heartbreak in such an eloquent manner that it connects the listener to the song. Whether it be by simply feeling sympathy for anyone who has felt that kind of sadness or reminding you of your own sadness. Many times sadness is the one emotion everyone can relate to.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Word of the Week #1

Codified: 1. to be reduce to a code 
2. to make a digest of; arrange in a systematic way

The associates codified each person to measure their attractiveness. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All About Me

My name is Kira Rosario and I am your average 20 year old college student. I just recently transferred to San Jose State from So Cal and I miss it every second. I guess that would be expected for my first move away from home; however, this is in no way my first move. I have been moving ever since i was little, each time was to follow a promotion my father just received. When i was younger I hated the fact that I had moved around. All of my friends had family near by and friends they had known since they were babies and I became slightly envious. Now that I am older I realize that I have experienced more than many people at my age and all of the moving around I have done has contributed to the person I have grown to love today.

The best way I can even begin to describe myself is that I am a Guate Rican from New York. My mother grew up in a tiny town in Guatemala and my father was born and raise in el cuidad mas grande de Puerto Rico (the biggest city in Puerto Rico), but most people just call it New York. When I was five years old my parents decided to move us to a small town in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. I loved it there. I made friends quickly and with the exception of a couple of bullies I got along with most of the kids in my class, but now that I reflect on my earlier years this may have been because I discovered at a young age that no one bothered you if you are the bully. I made some good friends but at 10 I made the big move to California.

My first couple of years in California were difficult but I began to get used to it. However, I didn't start to love my new home until four years after my move, when i entered high school. I had more friends and I was comfortable with the person I had become. At the beginning of my senior year I got my first job and soon realized that when a person doesn't have their family near by you surround yourself with people that become your family. For me my co-workers were my family. Now that I am in a new town I miss both my families, but I know I'll be fine and if I fail I have two families, the one given to me and the one I choose, to catch me when I fall.

Word Count: 435