Monday, October 13, 2008

word of the week #6


Source: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

How it was used: " If you are in an intelligible condition, i've thirty-five roubles to remit to you, as Semyon Semyonovitch has received from Afanasy Ivanovitch at your mamma's request instructions to that effect, as on previous occasions."

Definition: 1.
to transmit or send (money, a check, etc.) to a person or place, usually in payment. refrain from inflicting or enforcing, as a punishment, sentence, etc. refrain from exacting, as a payment or service. pardon or forgive (a sin, offense, etc.). slacken; abate; relax: to remit watchfulness.

Your sentence: My mother informed me she will remit me the money on tuesday.

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