Monday, December 15, 2008

Word Count

The first day of class I thought it was going to be an interesting class mainly because both teachers seem to have very lively personalities. The class seemed easy enough. While I knew it would involve a lot of writing I had always been considered to be a good writer. What I didn't realize was that in journalism my skills were unsatisfactory. With the first couple of papers I couldn't quite understand what i was doing wrong, but now that I have completed the class I understand that my writing skills were good for a typically paper you may have to write in any given class. However, news writing is very different. In every aspect of news writing the audience must be considered. The audience must always be intrigued by the story regardless of the media outlet being used.  
Another, difficult aspect to that must always be considered is the use of AP style. While it may be most common to write something in one way. In news writing, it is considered improper. This very important to consider because while these simple grammar mistakes may go by unnoticed by the average reader and editor, who you may look to for future employment, will notice them and it may cost you an opportunity of a lifetime. 
However, one of the most important characteristics that I learned about news writing was that it doesn't have to be dry of boring. There are many different audiences news writers can target allowing for a wide variety story options. It is important to have fun with your story or the audience will be able to notice that you didn't enjoy or have an interest in your own story.

individual blog post #5

With the holidays around the corner it has made me think about any new devices that are out that I would like. While navigation systems are not new they are very helpful. Currently, I volunteered to help with a holiday party in San Francisco and this experience made me realize that I am going to have to travel to a lot of different places especially if get the internship I want. Navigation systems give step by step directions as you are driving to your arrival location. The information is transmitted by satellite. Even if you make mistakes while driving the information is reset to adjust to your new location. Also, the computer itself usually has a list of popular locations or attraction for when you don't have the exact address. Another important feature is put in locations you frequently  travel to. This would be very helpful for anyone that plans to be a successful business person. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

journal entry #4

Recently, I was informed of a new way to utilize powerpoint. While is not a new technology, the function is very innovative. In short, powerpoint can be used to create an electronic resume. This eliminates the pressure of limiting your resume to only one page for those with more experience. Instead of having a possible employer having to scroll down to see more information, you can create links to other pages with in the powerpoint slides. This allows employers to easily navigate to the information they are looking for. Additionally, you can create live links to show examples of projects that you have done that are currently on a webpage. Powerpoint makes it especially easy for someone to access this type of file by allowing you to save it as a pps instead of a ppt, so that even those who do not have this program can view your resume. This is an amazing feature to use especially at a time where everything is being done on the web making things highly impersonal. An electronic resume will set you apart from other applicants and still allow for you to include your own personal touches.